Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Take Actions Now.

Anything you want to accomplish will only be done by bold and decisive action. Wishing won't bring it about. Neither will dreaming. Nor will hoping. Nor will just talking about it. Nope, you must ACT.What is it you want from life? Tell me. Be specific. Be clear. Think about it. Strategize. Just thinking of it makes it to be a mere wish but writting it down makes you to be more focused and ready to Act. There is only one thing: ACTION. Will you succeed? Will you achieve your dreams? Will you live the life that you want? Only you can make that decision because only you can decide whether or not you will act. My friends, life rewards action. Your actions do not need to be perfect. They just need to be. And then they get rewarded with success. With achievement. Accomplishment. You have the power within you to lead YOUR life as you see it. There is only one question you must answer for yourself: Will I act?

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