Saturday, May 20, 2006

Your Legacy -What Will You Leave Behind?-Part 2

You can dodge the questions for quite some time. Why am I here? What will I leave behind? But, eventually, we all reach our own philosophical puberty and realize that these questions call for-in fact, demand-answers. To arrive at the point that you think seriously about your legacy, you must first reach a level of reality and commitment that represents an eternity to follow.Retire into yourself and think. The wonderful part of considering your legacy is the clarity it brings to daily decisions. Each decision moves you closer to or further from your legacy. Your legacy offers advice on how to live in the present in order to be remembered well when you are gone.Make this life of yours into a work of art. Your legacy is a self-portrait, the signature of your life's presence. It will be summed up in a few words-let those words be good and true. Remember, they will talk about you when you are gone.We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right. Live your life with class, dignity, and style so that an exclamation, rather than a question mark, signifies it!So what legacy awaits you? When you take your final bow, who will you be? How will you enter eternity? Will you be just a footnote in history? Every day the plot thickens, the cement hardens, the mystery deepens. Live to answer and honor these questions, because when it comes to your legacy, everything counts!EverythingCounts!
Gary Ryan Blair

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