Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Patience Is A Virtue

It's so bad when you see someone so impatient despite where he or she may be. In one of the seminars I attended, I saw a lady that was so impatient with the participants in the seminar. S he was so intolerant. Get up to ask any of the speakers a question which they were eager to answer and dear make a little comment (not even a sentence) before proceeding. She will shout mannerlessly at you to go straight to the question. Imagine her shouting at a man who got up to ask questions not to ask irrelevant ones. Oh my gush! It was so embarassing. A woman for that matter even learned at that. Who on earth made her a moderator? I wondered. All I concluded was that patience is a virtue which every humanbeing ought to have. A little patience can turn situations arround and make a great impact on someone's life. All our actions are being monitored by those arround us who are influenced by them so you have a choice. To let your life be of a positve influence to those arround you or otherwise.

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