Friday, April 07, 2006

Your Power To Decide

Decision is, by definition, behind every truly great achievement anyone ever makes. Most of the people who live to be a hundred actually DECIDED at some point in their life that they wished to live to a hundred. Most millionaires, at some earlier point in their life (often when they were heavily in debt), DECIDED that they were going to be millionaires. Interestingly, the most successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. They persist with the decisions they have made. However, failures are very slow to make any decision at all (most never make any), and they change the ones they have made very rapidly indeed. Which description applies to you?....It's not about making the "right" decision in the first place, but rather about making the decision you have made "right". If you wait to make the "right" decision, you could wait forever. If you make your decisions "right", this means that you work with the decisions you have made, adapting them as necessary to the situation at hand.You don't give up on the decision itself, although you may give up on a specific means of achieving it, and instead move towards another. Flexibility in the means of obtaining the outcome of your decision is okay. Flexibility in dumping your decisions the whole time is NOT.The Latin root of the word decision means "to cut off from all alternatives". This is what you should do when you decide. Don't leave yourself a life-raft so that you can give up later.Decide, and then act as if you could not fail. Interestingly, this attitude of mind attracts to you forces from the universe that are fully capable of supporting you and bringing your decision into manifestation. If you ask a lot from life, you will receive a lot. If you ask a little, that is what you will get. Interestingly, the universe has no favourites and does not care either way how much or how little you ask for. As and you shall receive, is the way it was once expressed.The key is to KNOW what you want, DECIDE to get it, and then PERSIST until you have done so.

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