Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Guest Of The Week;Abraham Lincoln

Of a truth, there is a great power in persistence. Let me tell you the story of America's most outstanding failures who persisted. In 1831 he failed in business, In 1832 he was defeated for the Legistrature.In 1833 he again failed in business. In 1834 he was elected to the legistrature. In 1838 he was defeated for Speaker; in 1840 defeated for Elector, In1843 defeated for Congress; in 1846 elected to Congress; in 1848 defeated for Congress; in 1855 defeated for Senate; in 1856 defeated for Vice President; in 1858 defeated for Senate; in 1860 elected for President of the united states. His name? Abraham Lincoln. He learned persistence by being victor over many adversities in the formative years of his life. The proving ground of greatness is how we bounce back from life's trouble and tribulations.Persistence is the power that produces amazing achievement.

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